New Church Life Sep/Oct 2014 | Page 26

new church life: september/october 2014 involves a war against falsities. Since the masculine mind has a particular capacity for this war, it is his special responsibility, but of course, not without the support of women. He concluded by highlighting some of his chief concerns. One is that we should h ave a doctrinal rather than a social focus so that there is doctrinal integrity in the Church – not to the neglect of people, but as a primary focus of a priest’s job. Another concern is for the objectivity The Rev. Michael D. which is a masculine trait brought to the priesthood. Gladish stating that priests represent the The second paper, “Rethinking the Representative Lord, and must be in Nature of the Priesthood in the New Church,” was integrity in accord with the representation. presented by the Rev. David Lindrooth. He said that our purpose as a church is a heaven from the human race – providing for a connection with the Lord Jesus Christ in His Divine Human. Priests are not intermediaries. Representatives were abrogated to promote a direct relationship with the Lord. He said he thinks of the priest’s representative role as the least important part of the job. He also said that under the surface there is an apparent struggle about power. He hears a lot of concern about control when the reality is that we as priests have little control, and in any case, control should not be our motivation. To the degree people feel informed by what we are offering, we will be successful as pastors. He stressed the goal of people within the Church seeing the Lord for themselves in His Word. Among the points touched on in discussion were: that men and women everywhere in the Word have different representations, where most consistently men represent the Lord, and women represent the church; that the difference in churches before vs. after the Lord’s advent is that we now have direct access to the Lord; that what is now represented by the priesthood is the Lord Jesus Christ, who made Himself visible in a masculine form; and that representation is about function, and when we do the job of teaching, we represent the Lord. Business session: The Rev. James P. Cooper, past Secretary of the Council of the Clergy, had agreed to look into a mechanism for the Council to make decisions in the absence of plenary meetings. Sometimes questions that come up between meetings cannot easily be dealt with, simply because we lack a process to make inter-meeting decisions as a Council. After much discussion, the Council agreed to give authority to the members of Consistory and Advisory, chaired by the Secretary of the Council of the Clergy, to make decisions regarding business of the Council between meetings. Such decisions could then be ratified or not at the next meeting of the full Council. 412