New Church Life November/December 2017 | Page 46

An Opened Door to a Higher Education Charter Day Cathedral Address The Rev. Michael K. Cowley T he text – and the (Class of 1977) banner down here to my right – are taken from the book of Revelation: “I have set before thee an open door.” The second lesson mentions Swedenborg saying, “When I got closer, I saw there was an inscription over the door: NOW IT IS PERMITTED TO ENTER . . . ” Taking part in the procession leading up to this moment, we find ourselves seated from front to back in this House of God. We’re all here for the same reason: to celebrate the founding of the Academy of the New Church. We are remembering that time when the State of Pennsylvania officially formally recognized this brand new church movement. Twelve original signers and several others formed and constituted the membership, thus giving ultimate form to the “Academy of the New Church.” They operated as a school and also a church. Various forms and levels of education took place after the founding: a theological school started, a college, then primary, elementary and middle school grades were added, and a high school. Over the past 140 years the work of the Academy has grown and shrunk. It’s been added to, things have been removed. All kinds of grade levels, programs, departments, schools and extensions have taken place, leading up to this moment when we sit together. Academy buildings have been erected, modified, destroyed, torn down, burned, rebuilt and remodeled here and all over the world. I come from a pastorate in Toronto which opened an Academy school back in the 1890s. Many now mainly think of “ANC” as the Secondary Schools and their buildings. The Theological School and the College took on a different name: Bryn Athyn College of the New Church. And so, when people say “ANC” or 512