New Church Life November/December 2017 | Page 10

new church life: november/december 2017 glittering aspects of the season. But he is essential to what Christmas is all about. He represents the evil that can come into our minds, and that even the joy and promise of Christmas come with an enduring challenge to stand up against evil in the world – and in our own lives. Herod was a roadblock in the Wise Men’s journey, as he can be for ours. He was a threat to the Lord’s mission – a threat He had to confront throughout His life on earth. The presence of the hells can afflict our lives too – even overwhelm us – if we let them. But the Lord shows us how to confront Herod and overcome temptation by nurturing His own presence in our lives. When we stand against Herod we enter into the presence of Simeon, a man who was “just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.” And when Mary and Joseph presented the young Jesus to Simeon, he blessed Him and said: “Lord, now let Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou has prepared before the face of all people; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.” (Luke 2:25-26, 29-32) This is the redemption and peace the Lord gives to all who live with such love and faith. This is the hope and promise of Christmas. We are blessed to know that the Lord’s unconditional love and mercy did not just visit the world 2,000 years ago but are with us every day. Even, and especially, in this hurting world He still heals and renews. By coming on earth He reopened the pathway to salvation and heaven. John the Baptist had to come first to teach the hard truth: that heaven does not come without struggle – shunning evil, fighting against temptation, working at regeneration. But “Fear not.” That is when we are ready for the ultimate Christmas gift – the birth of the Lord on earth and into our lives, the “good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Then only with “Glory to God in the highest” comes the promise we all yearn for: “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” (BMH) religious feelings: peace Every human soul yearns for peace, but we do not come by it easily. The desire for it is deep and constant because we were created to live in heaven with the Lord, who promises “rest for your souls” to those who come to Him. (Matthew 11:28-30) But there are many traits in our natural heredity that are opposed to heaven, so to get to a state of peace we must first go through the spiritual trials of temptation. Peace is often thought of simply as the absence of conflict, but to define peace just by what it is not would be like defining happiness as the absence of 476