New Church Life November/December 2016 | Page 67

������ ���� teamwork .
I would like to share with you a recent story about Coach Nelson . Last spring , I called 14 members of the inaugural Bryn Athyn College men ’ s lacrosse team of 1966 to invite them to an honoring ceremony celebrating 50 years of BAC lacrosse . Many of these players initially thought I was calling them for a contribution , but when I mentioned I was calling about Coach Nelson there was an immediate change in vocal tone . It was an amazing experience to hear the love and respect that each player had for their coach . But I was not surprised . Turning back to General Nelson , the soldier , he also set wonderful examples in leadership , patriotism and accomplishment . General Nelson has an exemplary military record . He was designated a naval aviator in 1956 and flew Marine One during President Eisenhower ’ s administration . After leaving active duty , he served in the Marine Corps Reserve . He was continually promoted through the ranks – eventually to Major General – and served on bases up and down the Eastern Seaboard . Even in retirement , General Nelson has an on-going passion for naval aviation and has served on the board of the Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum in Willow Grove .
At Bryn Athyn College , we are fortunate to have such a great role model after whom to name this new field in his honor . Thank you General Nelson .
( In his gracious remarks accepting this honor , General Nelson said he wished the field could bear the names of all the students he coached because “ they are what it ’ s all about .)
Charter Day Banquet
The banquet program tied in the history of the Academy campus with this year ’ s celebration of the Centennial of Bryn Athyn Borough . The emcee was B . Erikson Odhner , Curriculum Developer and teacher in the Academy Secondary Schools .
The program featured Gail R . Cooper , Latin teacher , and the Rev . George McCurdy , former Principal and religion teacher , who traced the history of the Academy , using numerous nostalgic photographs of Academy buildings and much-loved teachers . The core message was : “ Our ANC campus and teaching methods have changed but our core values have remained the same .”
Theta Alpha Luncheon
The Theta Alpha luncheon on October 14 featured A Century of Academy of the New Church Fashion , with models from the community and Bryn Athyn College recreating the fashionable look of well-known women in Academy history .
The fashion show , with stunning costumes off the racks of Mitchell Performing Arts Center and narrated by Sonia Doering , was a huge hit with