New Church Life November/December 2016 | Page 60

new church life : november / december 2016
• There will be a growing set of tools for studying , solo or in groups , and helping people with their spiritual journeys . Speaking for our core staff , we very much appreciate all the support that people have given to the project and while we are excited about the progress we ’ ve made we think the future looks even better .
Website : www . newchristianbiblestudy . org Contact : sdavid @ skymark . com
OUR NEW CHURCH VOCABULARY Part of a continuing series developed by the Rev . W . Cairns Henderson , 1961-1966 .
Here we have another important term which occurs in the doctrine of the glorification . It refers to something which the Lord put on by birth of Mary , but which was neither from her nor yet Divine when assumed : a truly human accession from which the Lord could conquer the hells and which He could make Divine . This was an as-of-Himself reception of the Divine love and wisdom , manifested in the desire to be led by the Divine and to learn truth .
These formed in the Lord a plane of human consciousness on which , when in the state of humiliation , He could feel entirely separate from the Divine , and of Himself could fight against and conquer the hells . This is what is meant by Human essence , and it was this that was glorified , so that , from being a receptacle of life , the Lord became life itself in the Human . ( See Arcana Coelestia 1675 .)