New Church Life November/December 2016 | Page 40

new church life : november / december 2016
If someone says he has an “ aching heart ,” for example , we don ’ t recommend that he see a cardiologist ; we know he means he is sad . We know instinctively that the “ heart ” corresponds to love .
What most people do not know , however , is that every organ and part of the human body also corresponds to some spiritual faculty , use or condition . And further that this is true of everything in the whole natural universe – because the God who created it , and from Whom it continues to exist every moment , is Human .
So when Norman saw a bird fly by , for instance , his children recall that he was likely to point to it and observe that what they were seeing was really an emblem of some angelic wisdom and human thought .
“ For there is nothing beautiful and delightful in the skies or on the earth which is not in some way representative of the Lord ’ s kingdom .” ( Arcana Coelestia 1807 )
Norman saw signs of heaven all around him : in the beauty and order of nature , in his work for the Church , and in other people . And “ heaven ” is just another word for “ happiness .”
Which brings us to the fourth trait of his that we want to speak about
-- namely , joy . Norman was a joyful person and brought joy to those around him . His children , in reflecting upon his character , recalled how often he would ask them if they were happy and encourage them to live their life joyfully . “ Go and live your life ,” he would say . “ Be happy and love life .” Even in his last days he would ask : “ Are you happy ?” Clearly , their happiness was his happiness . And this wish for the happiness of others was not limited just to his own family .
Which reminds us of this well-known saying from the work on Divine Love and Wisdom : “ Love consists in this , that its own should be another ’ s ; to feel the joy of another as joy in oneself , that is loving .” ( n . 47 )
Those who feel the joy of others as joy in themselves already have heaven within them . We speak of people “ going to heaven ” when they die , but for those who have received the life of heaven into their hearts and minds during their life in this world , the journey is a short one . In fact , it is no journey at all – just an awakening to full consciousness of a joy they had already begun to experience in this world .
And now , as we bid farewell to our friend Norman , we ’ ll close with these words from the parable of the talents , which were spoken to the servants who had used their gifts wisely :
‘ Well done , good and faithful servant . . . . Enter into the joy of your Lord .’ ( Matthew 25:21 ) Amen .
Contact : Walter . Orthwein @ verizon . net