New Church Life November/ December 2015 | Page 34

new church life: november/december 2015 Sometimes we question the point of school. We question just having to sit there and study and learn. “When do I get to do something that is practical?” Well, that’s good. We all have that desire to be useful and put things into practice – to DO something. And we have a very strong, built-in desire for freedom. And that is by Divine design. Anything that is really going to become part of who we are has to be chosen in freedom and done from a place of full rational sight. There is a tension there because we all want to be free. But the adults in our life don’t always agree that we are ready for that. They say we are in a development stage. Well, you are in a developmental stage of your life where you are working on developing and perfecting your rational mind. The rational is that part of your mind that sees evidence in the world around us, the things of nature, of sensory evidence. Then it compares that with what we know in our spiritual mind – the truths we know, the information we have learned about higher things. And it compares those two sets of information and tries to make a choice – hopefully, a choice that is good. I like the airplane analogy, especially sitting here on the grounds of this church and this religious institution, because the airplane has that ability to rise above our normal plane of life – to rise above the ordinary and view things from a higher perspective. Education does that for sure. Think of all the incredible things that one can learn and create. You can be given a chance to express yourself through different mediums: maybe it’s art, or music, or poetry, or dance. Or to be able to imagine incredible possibilities through mathematics, science, physics and biology. Or be carried away by compelling events in human history, and take some of those lessons you learned and use them for life today. Or learn about strategy, sportsmanship and teamwork through sports. Or open up to new cultures by learning a new language. There are so many other things I could talk about. Even more amazing than that to me are the higher truths – the spiritual truths – we can learn that help us: to start to understand who the Creator of the Universe is; what the plan for human life is; what is the purpose of being. We are taught that we are not born for our own sake but for the sake of others. Just think about that for a moment: “I am here, not just for me, but I am here The Heavenly Doctrines given through Emanuel Swedenborg say, “All education is an opening of the way.” The questions then are: “Where are you going?”“What way are you headed?” 580