New Church Life Nov/Dec 2014 | Page 25

       only a place in the world, but incredible value to the Lord’s Kingdom. What an extremely loving God this portrays! With all the hate, war and pain going around, the world is in dire need of hearing this message of a loving God. What many in my generation have expressed to me countless times is that they cannot fathom that this variety does not extend into the culture and hierarchy of the General Church. I am often the outsider and many times feel judged among my peers for being involved in the Church. Hearing, “I just can’t be a part of something so archaic,” is what I endure on a weekly basis. It is becoming increasingly rare to hear the General Church or the Academy talked about in a positive light. When either come up in conversation it’s almost always centered around how hurtful or unjust the organizations are and have been to them. This is the message that many in my generation are sending out to those around them. This is the message being heard by individuals and groups not connected with the Church. This is how many who are learning for the first time what the General Church has to offer are being exposed to – with firsthand negativity. And if the number-one way people are brought into a church is through personal invitation, imagine what this negative message they’re hearing about the General Church is doing. Thank you for taking the time to read and hear these thoughts. I welcome questions or conversation about this. Michelle Chapin Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania [email protected] Editor’s note: Michelle was invited to meet with Bishop Peter Buss Jr. in response to this letter and is in on-going dialogue with him. She is still collecting opinions, thoughts and insights about the policy – for or against – from young adults in any way connected with the Church. Dear Bishops Keith and Buss: Please allow me to thank you for reading my words, and those of many others as we absorb the communication released by your office on September 26. I know this is not an easy job, and I am grateful for your kind attention. Your decision regarding women’s ordination was not a great surprise to me, but I am disappointed. From my own careful study of the doctrine, I am convinced that the male-only policy is unjustified. I am weary and saddened. 515