New Church Life May/June 2017 | Page 55

For the last activity , attendees were invited to write on a large leaf a prayer or the names of people they were holding in their hearts around these topics . The following Sunday morning a tree was planted with all of these leaves in the soil in a ceremony at one of the local churches that helped coordinate the event .
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We received stunning feedback by moved participants , including : “ This is so needed , and it makes me feel proud of my church for really being there for people who need it most . For not shunning those who are in addiction , or suffering from mental health issues , but instead saying , ‘ We care about you . We all battle this . Let ’ s work together .’” ( Bryn Athyn Church Member )
How can other communities get involved ? These topics impact all of our communities . How are we as a church responding ? How are we saying : “ We see you and your suffering , and we care .”
I think it would be possible to start Finding Hope events near other congregations . People could begin by seeing who in their congregation wants to be part of the conversation . Then reach out to other local church and faith groups to see if they want to work with them . Finding the local non-profits in the area that are already working and responding to these crises can be a great first step for finding featured speakers or resource tables at the event . I ’ ve been so moved and inspired as I get to know the local nonprofits serving in these areas , and we can help them serve more people .
Those interested can also get small groups started or established ones involved in the conversation . General Church Outreach developed a workbook to support the conversation
For the last activity , attendees were invited to write on a large leaf a prayer or the names of people they were holding in their hearts around these topics . The following Sunday morning a tree was planted with all of these leaves in the soil in a ceremony at one of the local churches that helped coordinate the event .