New Church Life May/June 2016 | Page 79

  Nicolier, Howard Thompson, myself, and as an invited guest a prospective minister, Frits Bot from Holland. (See photos on page 296.) We were fortunate enough also to have several wives joining us: Josephine Appelgren, Susan Cowley, Gretchen Keith, Jessica McCardell and Jeanne Nicolier. At the last moment Debra Thompson had to cancel her trip, something we felt very sorry for. We did not have a theme but rather a sphere in which we could explore things like ritual, outreach and counselling, all in the sense of becoming better at touching people’s hearts and thereby opening ways for them to trust the Lord and follow Him. The European scene is to a large extent something we see in the rest of the Western world more and more – an independence of thought that absolutely does not mean a rejection of spirituality but demands of us to communicate in such a way that what we have to offer will key in to their hearts and their needs. Here is a list of the presentations as described by each presenter: • Göran Appelgren: Times They Are A-Changin’ – reaching new people and our young • Frits Bot: The present state of the New Church in Holland • Alan Cowley: A concept about modelling our worship services according to the stages of repentance – not all within one service, but from week to week – and how the whole service, including the music and ritual, could reflect this each week. • Peter Devassy: The challenge of presenting New Church ideas in the hostile, dogmatic Christian environment of the state of Kerala in India • David Gaffney: William Bruce’s “Matthew” – an effective way I have evolved of presenting this to a mixed “audience” • Olaf Hauptmann: Apologetics and keeping young people in the church • Brian Keith: How the Lord Preserves Freedom, Yet Still Leads – by Bending. Approaching the question of how much the Lord pushes us while still respecting our freedom. • Ethan McCardell: Empathy – connected to “tools for healing” • Alain Nicolier: On traditions in the church and using the story about the disposal of the ashes of sacrifices on the altar of the tabernacle – all this in relation to the spread of the Second Advent dynamic in Europe and the need to have a complete new approach and letting go of old models that are obsolete and barriers to reach out to people in Europe • Howard Thompson: Understanding Spiritual Harm Needless to say we had very interesting conversations and learned a lot from each other. 281