New Church Life May/June 2016 | Page 102

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 6 Well, I didn’t want to put down Protestant, the easy default, because that’s not accurate. General Church of the New Jerusalem was too long; just Church of the New Jerusalem probably would be better. The New Church sounds like something just built. We weren’t using the term “New Christianity” back then. So I just put down “Swedenborgian.” Mr. Waters’ point is important and valid. We revere Emanuel Swedenborg as a devoted servant of the Lord, but we know this is not his church. Calling ourselves Swedenborgians just encourages the notion that we are some kind of a cult, which is not useful or accurate. And as Mr. Waters speculates, Swedenborg would be appalled to hear his name invoked for the Church. But we do have a challenge in being clear about what we call ourselves – so that it is clear what this church is, and what it is not. We do – often inadvertently – use such terms as “Swedenborg teaches,” or “as Swedenborg writes,” even in New Church literature, when we know the teachings are coming from the Lord alone. Mr. Waters’ gentle but adamant chiding is a good reminder to be more careful, and more accurate. One problem is that our official name – the General Church of the New Jerusalem – is cumbersome and not definitive. We have taken to using terms like the New Church, and New Christianity, which are better and more succinct. My old Army sergeant was merely baffled when I gave him the name “Swedenborgian,” but that’s what appeare