New Church Life May/June 2016 | Page 10

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 6 can’t touch what really ails us. Any healing of the nation that doesn’t get at the underlying spiritual cause of its troubles will only be palliative at best. A cure, not just political hospice care, is what we need. The truths of the Lord’s Word are the medicine that can revitalize our civil order. But they must be freely accepted, understood and applied. Then they become “rational truths by which those who are in evils and falsities are led to think soundly and live becomingly.” Such truths are the “leaves for the healing of the nations” that grow on the tree of life (love to the Lord) in the holy city New Jerusalem. (Revelation 22:2; Apocalypse Revealed 936) How differently the speeches of the candidates would affect us if we perceived in them a love of truth! Real truth, not “talking points” drilled into them by “focus groups” and pollsters. And what about the country they seek to lead? If the people as a whole were more concerned with and affected by spiritual truth, would they not be more deserving of leaders who were similarly concerned and affected? There is a lot of dissatisfaction among the people with the quality of the candidates, but a deficiency in political leadership probably reflects a deficiency in the people as a whole. No political leader can make the people good and wise, but good and wise people will produce good and wise leaders. “In people who love truth because it is true, theological issues dwell on the highest level of the mind; moral issues are located on the middle level, below theological issues; and political issues dwell on the lowest level, below moral issues.” (Apocalypse Explained 852--section 186) We need to think and act on all three levels, while keeping in mind their relative importance. The spiritual (meaning especially love of the Lord and thought enlightened by His Word) flows into and forms the moral sphere by which spiritual principles are brought into actual life. The two higher degrees, the spir itual and the moral, then flow into the civil and give it its vitality and quality. In the true order of things, political issues are the lowest of the three great categories of human thought and life. They are important, though, because human beings were created to live in communities, and are thus by nature political creatures. We are not just political creatures, however, and must avoid becoming so caught up in political enthusiasms that we lose sight of the deeper issues of human life. The body politic then becomes soulless. The purpose of a nation’s civil order is to provide a foundation to support the spiritual and moral planes from which the civil is derived. The abstract principle of “justice,” for example, needs courts, presided over by wise and honest judges who look to that principle, and police officers to enforce the law, if justice is to become a reality in the world. Political matters are important because the civil plane is the ultimate (in 212