New Church Life May/June 2015 | Page 91

  prescient address to the Glenview Chapter of Theta Alpha in 1968 – which was published in the Literary Number of the 1969 Academy Journal (another lost treasure) and included in this book of his essays – he spoke about The Academy College: The Choices Ahead. In sharing “some thoughts and hopes and concerns that I have as Dean of the College of the Academy for its future,” he said: “I think everyone in the General Church needs to be concerned about the College because of what it means to the General Church.” This was almost 50 years ago but his words still speak to both our hopes and concerns for the College. Consider just this excerpt: “I do not believe that the Academy College is the best college in this country, but I do believe it is the most important. As the most important, it behooves us to make it the best that we can. It is very easy to see why it is not the best. We have limitations of size, of viewpoints, we have problems of many kinds; and yet I also believe truly that it is the most important – not just for the Church – it’s obviously the most important for the Church because it’s the only one. But I believe that it is the most important college in the country for the world. If Harvard, or the University of Chicago, or any other college in this country failed, there would be others to take its place. But if the Academy College were to fail, there would be nothing in the foreseeable future to replace it.” (BMH) let’s get real The supreme, and really only, Reality is the Divine Human of the Lord. It encompasses all that is, all that has any actual existence, spiritual and natural. Everything in creation is more or less real and substantial depending upon the degree to which it participates in Reality Itself. Our own finite humanity is received from the Lord’s infinite Divine Human. Our humanity at birth consists in the fact that we have a potential which no other animal has for becoming more human throughout our lives. And our lives extend to eternity; the process of becoming fully human is not cut short in the case of those who die as infants, but continues in heaven. The more we learn about the Lord from His Word, and are conjoined with the Lord by a life according to His Word, the more truly human we can become; and the more real we can become. This is what life is all about. “We are because God is.” (Divine Providence 46) (WEO) 311