New Church Life May/June 2015 | Page 72

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 5 regional clergy meetings Europe, March 2015 The Regional Pastor for Europe and India Rev. Göran R. Appelgren The clergy in Europe met in the south of France, March 16-19. The Rev. Alain Nicolier and his wife, Jeanne, moved there not long ago. Nearby their new house there is a simple retreat center located in a Regional Park in the Pyrenees. (See photos on page 295.) Those who gathered with Alain and Jeanne were Michael Church Pastor Alan Cowley with his wife, Susan, Colchester Pastor Howard Thompson, and candidate Thomas Floyd from Norway. Along with myself, the group also included the Rev. David Lindrooth, who has strong ties to Europe and Scandinavia besides being the Director of Outreach, which benefited us. We have these meetings now and then, maybe every other year. We all found them to be very useful, and we now have a strong team in Europe. It is interesting that both pastors in England are Americans. They both love their work and it gives some important and useful benefits to the work in Europe. We are one church but we work in different cultures and traditions. The cross pollination is of vital importance. In Scandinavia we will soon have a second minister, Thomas Floyd, who will be ordained in May. Alain continues his own work spreading the good news of the Second Coming through his counselling practice and lecturing. Even within Europe we struggle with different cultures and traditions. A key element is the sense of freedom in religious matters and a deep scepticism toward organized religion, at least when there is a perception of being subjected to a human-built power structur K