New Church Life May/June 2015 | Page 62

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 5 mysteries of faith, which truly Christian men would leave to everyone to hold in accordance with his conscience, and would say in their hearts that a man is truly a Christian when he lives as a Christian, that is, as the Lord teaches. Thus from all the differing churches there would be made one church; and all the dissensions that come forth from doctrine alone would vanish; yea, all hatreds of one against another would be dissipated in a moment, and the Lord’s kingdom would come upon the earth.” (Ibid. 1799) O U R N E W C H U RC H V O C A B U L A R Y Part of a continuing series developed by the Rev. W. Cairns Henderson, 1961-1966. CORPOREAL This term does not refer to the body itself but to the ultimate plane of the mind. Thus it is not applied to the bodily senses, but to that ultimate plane of mental life which operates through them, and also to the cupidities, pleasures and appetites of the body. A man who lives only on the plane of these ultimate things, immersing the mind in the body, is called a corporeal man. (Arcana Coelestia 911, 4038; Apocalypse Explained 496) 282