New Church Life May/Jun 2014 | Page 85

  more wonderful the world is, thanks to me!” He was so preoccupied belting out his magnum opus, and his chest was so puffed out he couldn’t see past it to the ground anyway, that he failed to notice a cat prowling around the base of the tree. The cat had his eye on our little maestro, and it would be an easy jump to catch him. But the cat saw something that gave him pause. Perched on a branch a few feet above the bird, hidden from the bird’s view by the leaves, was an eagle. And the eagle had his eye on the cat. And there was a look in the eagle’s eye that caused the cat to forget all about his luncheon plan and slink away into the bushes. So the little bird sang on, and the beautiful spring day was indeed much better than it might have been – especially (although he didn’t realize it) for him. (WEO) what would swedenborg tweet? Confining Swedenborg to 140 characters of the Twitter-sphere might sound appealing to someone slogging through a convoluted explanation of the internal of the external. But what if Swedenborg could tweet? We can be sure he would not be telling us what he had for lunch. In a sense, though, Swedenborg does “tweet.” The Writings are filled with nuggets of divine wisdom, and one of the best ways to access them is through the Daily Inspiration provided each morning by General Church Outreach through e-mail. If you don’t get it already, you can subscribe free at www. Imagine that the first thing you see when you turn on your computer in the morning is not a pitch to refinance your mortgage or the latest weight-loss guarantee but a brief inspiration from the Writings. Here are some recent examples of Daily Inspirations: “All things are blessings when a person is in the order of heaven.” (Arcana Coelestia 9184) “Charity is like warmth in springtime or summer that causes grass, plants and trees to grow. Without charity, or spiritual warmth, nothing grows.” (Ibid. 1016:2) “The Ten Commandments contain, in brief summary, all things of religion. Through them, the conjunction of God with man and man with God takes place. There is nothing more holy.” (True Christian Religion 283) Every one a gem. Every one worthy of a tweet. 293 (BMH)