New Church Life May/Jun 2014 | Page 42

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 4 together in distant retirement. They love spending time with their friends. They also devote time every day to reading the Scriptures and the Writings of Swedenborg. They currently lead a group of people who are reading daily and systematically through Swedenborg’s theological writings in chronological order – a project that began on June 19, 2008, and will take 11 years and two months to accomplish. One of Mark’s hobby interests has been fashioning the New Church’s “steps of repentance” into a spiritual program and set of worksheets. The program and sheets are designed to help any person of any faith or culture access the steps of repentance and utilize them as a disciplined spiritual practice. The title of the project is, Begin a New Life: Four Universal Steps of Life Change and Spiritual Transformation. It is available on its own website at Mark has also developed a one-day seminar/workshop around the program which he delivers to congregations and other groups around the world. (He does this free of charge, beyond the cost of his travel.) And though all of this has been a hobby interest for Mark, he believes that the completed project is one of the main reasons the Lord put him on earth. Mark grew up as an athlete, has been devoted to physical fitness since age 14, appreciates demanding outdoor physical labor and landscaping, and (as one might guess), he enjoys sweating profusely. During his Theological School training he drove bulldozers and other heavy equipment for summer work – a childhood dream come true. If given the option of anything he could do on a Saturday morning, Mark says, “I would choose a brand new John Deere bulldozer with a six-way blade, clearing land or sculpting it for some useful purpose.” Mark has a playful side as well, and he’s known among friends for his comical impersonations of Arnold “The Terminator” Schwarzenegger under the alias, “Uncle Arnold.” One of Mark’s favorite quotations from the Writings of Swedenborg – which speaks to his love of life change and hope in the Lord – is: “The smallest amount of divine power is enough, every time it is called upon, to tame instantly the entire devil’s crew, even if it consisted of millions.” (Secrets of Heaven 8626) Contact: [email protected] 250