New Church Life March/April 2016 | Page 79

  The cost of the week is $400. Payment can be split in half, and can be paid by check or online through Paypal. All information, including class descriptions, registration and health forms is available at  Please note that health forms must be mailed separately to the nurse due to regulations. Feel free to call with any questions: Keene Blair, Director, 267-229-5527. Tools 4 Life, a camp for juniors and seniors, will be offered July 17-23 at the Academy of the New Church. Students may sign up online at www.ancss. org/tools. For further information contact the director, Ali Smetanick Childs, at 267-502-4931 or [email protected]. Tools 4 Life is a career and life skills camp designed to help teenagers gain the tools and confidence for the next steps after high school. It offers a unique opportunity for students to learn and grow through a variety of experiences. The theme this year is Dare to Prepare Your Heart, based on the Parable of the Sower. The goal is to educate and feed bodies, minds and souls with spiritually healthy nutrition in order to be successful in life. book expo For the annual Bryn Athyn College Book Expo on April 9 (see the ad on page 203), here is further information about the speakers and their topics: Dr. Soni Werner: Conscience: Forensic Psychology This e-book is about preventing crime, intervening once it begins, and rehabilitating criminals after they have been incarcerated. It summarizes some of the latest research in neuroscience on the criminal brain and research studies on forensic psychology. The conscience is viewed from a Swedenborgian perspective. Dr. Reuben Bell: Intelligent Default Natural forms are not “designed,” nor do they appear by accident. Every organic form is a “default setting,” as it were, established according to parameters inherent in matter, in response to environmental conditions, but dependent on reciprocal, functional interaction with a spiritual cause as well. These parameters are analogically reflective of the human form, manifesting itself in continual creation, by means of processes described by Swedenborg’s doctrines of Degrees, Forms and Correspondence. Evolution of new forms and adaptation of existing forms to changing conditions, occur in the crucible of the “randomness” of nature, into which, at its inmost level, flows the template of divine human form. 181