New Church Life March/April 2016 | Page 72

new church life: march/april 2016 The teachings for the New Church offer us a further understanding of leadership. The Lord leads us. Understanding His leadership will teach us more about the foundation of how all leadership works. People know that every person is led of himself by his love, and by other people in accordance with it, and not by his intellect. He is led by his intellect and in accordance with it only when his love or will forms it; and when this is the case, it can be said also of the intellect that it is led, though even then it is not the intellect that is led, but the will from which it springs. (Divine Providence 165) “The Lord leads by influx.” Influx has come into English as another word: influence. The Lord leads by influence. The Lord does not do this to control us but to influence us to a good life, a life of heaven. He influences us through love or our will. He is constantly trying to influence us through our better angels. He stirs up our love for Him and for our neighbors to lead us to live a heavenly life. He also teaches us through enlightenment and His Word, and when that teaching touches our hearts, it is also His leadership. We do not have the same ability to flow into people’s hearts that the Lord does. But we do have the ability to influence people’s hearts. Often the content of what we say is directed to influence someone’s thinking. But there are times when we need to address our words to their hearts. And even apart from directing the content of communication to someone’s heart, the tone of voice, body language and many other factors affect the heart, regardless of the content of what we are saying. Leadership is a study that can help you in all social endeavors. The tools of leadership can help you in your personal life and in all professions in which you need to influence someone else. The study of leadership is also important for us as a church. If we would like to influence people to consider a New Church perspective or attend our church, the study of leadership can support that goal. The Rev. Derrick A. M. Lumsden is pastor of the Sower’s Chapel congregation in Sarver, Pennsylvania, where he lives with his wife, Eden (King) and their four children. He had previously served in South Africa. Contact: [email protected] 174