New Church Life Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 68

new church life: march / april 2014 Swedenborg at the 1996 Conference of the Society for Buddhist Christian Studies held at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois.   There was a good discussion about using Swedenborg as a bridge between Christian and Buddhist thought. The Dalai Lama was at the conference to give the keynote address. Seeing and hearing his talk was “an important and powerful experience.”  (“Unfortunately,” Barry adds, “he did not come to our presentation. I guess the world is not ready yet for a New Church-Buddhist Dalai Lama.”) Barry and Anita have four children, Erik, Kendra, Eden and Blake – all involved in New Church education. He still loves sports – watching, playing and coaching. And he loves hiking and bird watching with his family. Some of his favorite passages from the Sacred Scriptures and the Heavenly Doctrines “are those that help me see the big picture and show how the Lord is leading all types of people. I think it is important to see what the Lord is giving to others so we can better see what the Lord has given us through the teachings of the New Church, and how we can use them to help us all fit together in the Lord.” Some of his favorites are: “He who is not against us is on our side.” (Luke 9:50) “People who are not Christian but accept one God and live by some type of kindness toward other people according to their religion share a common bond with Christians. No one who believes in God and lives a good life is condemned. So you can see that the Lord’s religion is everywhere in the whole world.” (New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 244) Barry feels that another particularly interesting one in terms of comparative religions is: “When a religion has been implanted in a nation, the Lord leads that nation according to the precepts and dogmas of its own religion.” (Divine Providence 254) “It is fascinating to me to learn what is out there in others faiths,” he notes, “and to see more specifically how the Lord leads all people, not just Christians, to heaven.” Barry says he “especially enjoys the Academy’s focus on reaching out to potential students and families who might be interested in being part of the ANC educational experience. I have also enjoyed ANC’s developing partnership with NewChurch LIVE and the Rev. Chuck Blair, and with our long-time partner – the Bryn Athyn Church – in working to bring our new students and families into our schools, and into the greater life of the New Church.   “We know we have so much to offer people through ANC and all the various facets of the Bryn Athyn community, and we are greatly strengthened by what they add to our community. This is a great place to be right now. The future is bright if we keep moving forward.” 164