New Church Life Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 100

new church life: march / april 2014 visit to the Dawson Creek Society and Grande Prairie in Western Canada. The people there have enjoyed having the Rev. Coleman Glenn as their pastor, with his wife, Anne, and infant son, Samuel, and are sorry to be losing them this summer to serve in South Africa. Brad notes: “I made a commitment to them that I would visit them once a month after Coleman leaves, and promised that the G.C.I.C. would do its very best to provide them two services a month. They were very grateful for the support of the G.C.I.C. and felt this would provide them some sense of continuity. However, obviously their long-term hope would be to have a resident pastor again in the near future. “I think it is vital to the health of the New Church in Western Canada to have a resident pastor. We have a gradually growing group in Vancouver as well that is also served from the East, but they would benefit from having more regular visits.” Bishop Brian Keith is visiting Dawson Creek and Grande Prairie in March to meet with the people and get a first-hand sense of their needs. summer camps ANC Summer Camp The popular Academy of the New Church Summer Camp for 8th and 9th graders will be held July 6–12. Some 150 students from all across North America are expected to attend. They will learn about the Academy and the New Church religion, while engaged in a host of activities designed to bring them together in an atmosphere of fun and friendship. This year pictures again will be posted throughout the week on the ANC Summer Camp 2014 facebook page, to help parents keep up with their children’s activities. Information, including the registration form, online registration, lists of academic and recreational classes, and health forms, is available at Contact: Director Keene Blair, 267-502-5527 or [email protected]. Tools 4 Life Camp Registration is open for this year’s Tools 4 Life camp for those just completing their sophomore and junior years of high school. The camp is designed to help teenagers gain the tools and confidence to take the next step after high school. The experience includes excursions into the world of college, networking, career, community service and life skills. Last year’s activities for the 54 students attending included a visit to Monmouth University for a campus tour, helping out with Hurricane Sandy relief on the beaches of New Jersey, and attending a performance of Wicked at Philadelphia’s Academy of Music. This year’s camp is July 13 – 19. Students may register online at 196