New Church Life July/August 2017 | Page 6

new church life : july / august 2017
missing ; it simply seeks to bring that goodness back .” ( Page 308 )
In her address for the Bryn Athyn College commencement Erin Glenn Busby recalled her days at the Academy of the New Church when a student new to New Church education confessed that religion classes got easier when she realized that “ the answer was always good and truth .” But that simple answer is also a profound guide for life . “ I have become convinced ,” Erin told the graduates , “ that it is the right answer for life – good and truth are always the answer . Pursuing both is never wasted , and combining the two is the route to happiness .” ( Page 315 )
And in her address for the Academy of the New Church Secondary Schools graduation Leann Perry Hill said the thrust of their education in the Girls and Boys Schools has prepared them to make wise choices throughout their lives . “ Each day as you make your life choices ,” she told them , “ remember that those choices will in the end define who you are , and what you will become .” ( Page 319 )
The Academy Girls School administration and faculty have completed phase one of an exhaustive study of Conjugial Love , aimed at making this distinctive approach to marriage more relevant and inspiring to today ’ s mix of students . Girls School Principal Kira Schadegg says that in the fall the faculty will begin looking for ways to implement this study into the curriculum – across all grades and subject matter . Kira credits former Principal Sue Odhner for starting the whole process . “ Her deepest desire was that our girls grow into caring , compassionate , kind women , who are morally grounded and spiritually motivated .” ( Page 322 )
This year ’ s Journey Campaign is Practicing Forgiveness , and Sasha Silverman , who wrote the workbook with the Rev . John L . Odhner , concedes that forgiveness can be challenging . But “ What comes through most clearly to me ,” she writes , “ is that forgiveness is really just a form of love . In fact , it may be the most powerful expression of love .” ( Page 324 )
• Church News ( page 326 ) includes :
• Bryn Athyn College graduates and awards
• The Academy Secondary Schools graduates and awards
• A first ever graduation at the Kempton New Church High School
• The 30 th anniversary of the Sunrise Chapel in Tucson , Arizona
• A report on the spring meeting of the Academy Board of Trustees
• A brief report on the Swedenborg and the Arts International Conference at Bryn Athyn College
• A preview of the January 2018 Boynton Beach Retreat
• A summary of the General Church Clergy Meetings