New Church Life July/August 2017 | Page 49

ACADEMY SECONDARY SCHOOLS COMMENCEMENT 2017 Preparation for Wise Choices Leann P. Hill I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone at ANC, including donors who made it possible for my kids to attend this fine institution. Their time here has put them all in great standing to be their best selves in life. Gerry and I are eternally grateful. Thank you. Today I am lucky enough to have been invited to address the parents and the 2017 graduating class of awesomeness. Fellow parents: Today we stand together, proud of all of our kids and their many accomplishments. Good for them, but I want to take a minute to say good for us, too – the parents! We took our job seriously. We attended years of events during their elementary school career: class trips, feasts, plays, concerts. We walked the halls and oohed and aahed at their art work. We ensured that homework was done, clothes were clean and backpacks were filled with notebooks, homework and healthy food. Then, four years ago we watched as our gangly teens entered high school and with our hearts in our mouths, we let them go. Although we still felt that of course they needed us at every turn, we stood back, knowing that we had given them roots and trusting that it was time for them to spread their wings. Knowing that only by practicing independence could they gain it. We might still have been wringing our hands in worry about what lay ahead for them but we stopped micro-managing them and guess what? We watched as our offspring took the baton we had handed them and soared! It wasn’t always easy watching them navigate life and its challenges, but as hard as it was to pull back and let them practice for college and adulthood, we did it. And they did it! Look before you and see this bunch of well-adjusted, capable and self-assured human beings and give It’s a powerful position you will be in, when you know that you are making decisions that will affect the rest of your life. 319