New Church Life July/August 2017 | Page 28

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 7 taught and understood naturally and rationally. For this reason, Swedenborg reveals, “I was introduced by the Lord first into the natural sciences and thus prepared; and indeed from the year 1710 to 1744 when heaven was opened to me.” (Letter to Oetinger, Ibid., 571) The human race as a whole was reaching adult status and attaining scientific rationality. That is why new revelation was needed. The human race was ready and needed to hear Divine truth on a plane that was not fully opened before. That is why a man like Swedenborg was chosen – a scientist and a highly rational man. The Divine love and the Divine wisdom were now to be revealed on the rational plane. God was to be with us in His glorified Human. Because the Writings were to be a rational revelation, the Lord willed that Swedenborg understand the new doctrines to be revealed. Therefore, before he became a revelator he underwent a lifetime of preparation. First he was led toward spiritual truth through science and philosophy. Then, when he was ready, the Lord appeared to him, revealing the use that was to be his role and honor. But then there were still years of preparation. His spiritual eyes were opened only gradually, and at first he saw the light of heaven dimly. At the same time he read the literal Word and the universals of its spiritual sense were unfolded to him. For four years this spiritual education continued. More and more the nature of the spiritual world was revealed to him. By experience he came to know the truths of heaven and the glory behind the clouds. It was only when he had a real grasp of the heavenly doctrines, of correspondences and of the nature of the other world that he was permitted to enter into his role as revelator. Then, when the Arcana Coelestia was started, the Lord began to reveal the Writings to mankind. And it was the Lord who did this. Thus Swedenborg says: “As for myself, I have not been allowed to take anything from the mouth of any spirit, nor from the mouth of any angel, but from the mouth of the Lord alone.” (Verbo 29e) Many spirits and angels spoke to him. But through interior perception given to Swedenborg the Lord chose what was to be used in the Writings; it Because the Writings were to be a rational revelation, the Lord willed that Swedenborg understand the new doctrines to be revealed. Therefore, before he became a revelator he underwent a lifetime of preparation. 298