New Church Life July/August 2017 | Page 18

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 7 of the Word. We can see why the Lord so often associated Himself with sheep, for example, because sheep represent our willingness to be led by the Lord, an affection He wanted to foster in us. The theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg contain many volumes of information about what various passages in Scripture mean, using this scientific system which can be applied to any text from Genesis to Revelation and throughout. This system shows that every word and verse actually carries within it truths that pertain to the history of the church, our own states of spiritual growth and rebirth, the doctrine of the spiritual world, and the nature of God Himself. The science of correspondences unifies the whole of Scripture so that it makes sense and has relevance to our lives and our situations here, now, today. This new system shows that science and religion are not enemies, but rather two different ways that the Divine Wisdom shows itself. We turn to science for a description of how things work, and we turn to the Word to find out why. The Doctrines of the New Church combine solid Christian traditions with our own experience of life, reason, common sense, science and psychology to create a religion that makes sense. The Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg – some 30 volumes, written over a period of 25 years – form a comprehensive system free of inconsistencies and contradictions which opens Scripture up in a new way, allowing the Divine truths that have always been there to shine forth and to bring new light into the lives of men on earth, provided that they seek to put them to use in their lives. The one question that each of us will face in our lives, when trying to answer our own questions about religious belief and faith is: “How do I know that this teaching is true?” All of us will ask that question no matter what faith we were born into. In the final analysis, we each decide for ourselves what is true by living according to it, and asking ourselves if it leads to what is good, to what we, from conscience, believe that God wants us to do. We in the New Church believe that the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg constitute a new revelation because that is what they themselves claim, and when we live The Doctrines of the New Church combine solid Christian traditions with our own experience of life, reason, common sense, science and psychology to create a religion that makes sense. 288