New Church Life July/August 2016 | Page 22

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 6 might be fruitful and multiply in heaven? In one sense not very much at all. We simply need those small little seeds planted in our lives. The more that are planted here the more that will grow to fruition in the next world. For nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever lost. Many of the things that we have started here may take a long time to develop, but they remain with us and are seeds that will bear fruit forever. So what does this mean? For one thing it means that we should be careful in how we evaluate our worth, our spiritual state. Yes, we should see some harvest, some good fruit, in this world. But we should also recognize that most of the good with us is like a seed, the very small mustard seeds that are planted and are dormant. They are there merely awaiting a springtime in the spiritual w orld. We should also look at our lives and all that we do here not as an end in itself but as a process of planting seeds that can then multiply. The Lord quoted an old saying that, “One sows and another reaps.” (John 4:37) Often our role is to sow the seeds that will be reaped in the next world. In a real sense that’s what we are doing with the raising of our children. We are not controlling their destiny. We are not forcing them to be this or that. We are planting seeds in their lives that will bear fruit throughout their adult lives and in the other world forever. Even in older age, seeds are being planted all the time – seeds that will bear fruit eternally. Every truth we learn and every good intention or action we have are seeds in our lives that will bear fruit forever. The spiritual things we have, and those we give to others, are eternal seeds. Regardless of appearances, not the least seed is ever lost or pointless. So while we at times may be discouraged by an apparent lack of success or harvest, we should recognize that while our desire to be fruitful and multiply can be temporarily frustrated or lie dormant, where there is good it cannot be stopped. The Lord assures us that everything good multiplies forever. Nothing good is ever useless or lost. Every little seed planted in our lives or the lives of those around us, even though it appears to be the smallest, will lead to reaping good fruit that multiplies forever. This is the promise of the Lord. This is the assurance that we will be fruitful and multiply. Amen. We should also look at our lives and all that we do here not as an end in itself but as a process of planting seeds that can then multiply. 334