New Church Life July/August 2015 | Page 20

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 5 and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.’” (Matthew 24:29) Again, in another passage, the spiritual fall that took place in the Christian Church with the Council of Nice is likened to the symbolic account in the third chapter of Genesis in which the man and his wife, contrary to the command of the Lord, did eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, leading to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. (True Christian Religion 638) Finally we arrive at the New Church. There is an exciting and glorious beginning! However, from the outset the assault on the Word commences again. There is, for example, Tulkism. In clever and persuasive reasoning, the Divine creation account in Divine Love and Wisdom is bypassed and replaced by what is sometimes called “Idealism.” The Lord’s glorification becomes a mere image representative of man’s regeneration, rather than the other way around. Indeed, ultimately in this perversion of doctrine, the Lord’s advent – His incarnation – is deemed not to have actually taken place. Any sort of “Christianity” is gone. In America, the New Church is hardly in existence for 100 years, and then with one major group the Divine revelation effected by means of Emanuel Swedenborg progressively is regarded and treated as “Swedenborg’s perspective.” We are, as it were, invited to go out into a spiritual desert – a barren wilderness – if we are to find our Lord. Then there is a new approach to the Word, and specifically to the He avenly Doctrine. This time we are invited to seek the Lord in the “closets” – in inner or secret chambers. The Heavenly Doctrine is presented as a “letter” to be approached and regarded in much the same way as we might approach and regard the Old and New Testaments. Rather than believing and trusting in what can be seen by all to be written in the text of the doctrine from the internal sense that has been given to us out of heaven, the Heavenly Doctrine, we are asked to rely for the real or inner truth on the enlightenment of finite men who supposedly are being, or are, regenerated. The point is that truly every church down through history has been destroyed by the same evil. The people of the church, eventually, did not believe in the Lord or His Word but in themselves and their own senses. 332