New Church Life July/Aug 2014 | Page 80

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 4 This visit was part of a larger cultural expedition tour of historic Philadelphia – Roots of Liberty: From the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution – led by Colonial Williamsburg’s Thomas Jefferson and Montpelier’s James Madison interpreters. They also visited the Barnes Foundation, Winterthu r, Longwood Gardens and Cliveden. The Bryn Athyn Historic District was proud to be included with such prestigious destinations. While in Bryn Athyn, the group toured Glencairn and Cairnwood, and in the Cathedral was treated to Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison – in period dress and character – discussing the importance of freedom of religion in the birth of America. Mr. Jefferson emphasized the important distinction between the separation between church and state, intended by the founders, and the separation of church and state. He spoke of the importance of each individual having the freedom to worship God as he or she saw fit, rather than being compelled to support an official state church. Mr. Jefferson noted the appropriateness of speaking in the Bryn Athyn Cathedral because man is defined by his spirit rather than the garments he wears. He pointed out that the “garments” of the Cathedral harken back to the Old World medieval style, while the Cathedral itself embodies the spirit and belief of a New Christianity. He also expressed his appreciation for Swedenborg, noting that he was first drawn to his plans for a flying machine and his contributions to mining. He said he had several of Swedenborg’s theological works in his library, and was especially impressed by “what Swedenborg called the True Christian Religion.” Brian Henderson noted that Bill Barker – the Thomas Jefferson interpreter – who had grown up in the Philadelphia area, expressed his love and appreciation for Bryn Athyn. “When I boarded their bus,” Brian said, “he greeted me by saying, ‘I feel like I am home.’ He also told me that when he heard the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation was planning a trip to Philadelphia, he insisted that Bryn Athyn MUST be included in the itinerary.” (See photos on page 361.) a lesson in harmony During the interlude before the sermon in the Bryn Athyn Cathedral on May 11, the choir sang an original composition based on a teaching from Arcana Coelestia. It was composed for the Cathedral Choir by Beau Mahurin, a former classmate and friend of the Cathedral’s Music Director Graham Bier. Mr. Mahurin is not affiliated with the New Church, but was inspired by this passage about truth and good: One truth does not confirm good, but many truths do so . . . just as one musical note does not produce any melody, still less the full harmony, neither does one truth 372