New Church Life July/Aug 2014 | Page 28

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 4 whether what they say is true or false. We have outside perspective. This is the first step in our repentance and spiritual reformation: selfexamination. (Ibid. 525527, 614). It is allowing the Lord’s Divine Truth to give us perspective on our false ideas and destructive behaviors, and to be able to see that they are not actually part of us, but are simply controlling us. Externalize the lies. There are many ways of externalizing the lies – doing the work of selfexamination. It could take the form of journaling, praying to the Lord, talking with the Lord, sharing in small groups, doing a 12-step program, meditating, reflecting, talking with a close friend or family member, talking with a counselor, minister or therapist. But however we choose to do it, it’s a very important first step in our spiritual reformation, and our liberation from our destructive behaviors. (Ibid. 614) And it is portrayed by the Lord casting Legion into the pigs – externalizing the lies and false ideas that haunt us and control us. This was an amazing event. Two thousand pigs is a lot of pigs. And all of them running down the steep hills of that region into the Sea of Galilee was not something that would go unnoticed. So when the people from the nearby towns heard about it and came to see what happened, they saw this demonpossessed man “sitting and clothed and in his right mind.” (Mark 5:15) The Writings say that sitting before the Lord means being with Him, and willing and acting from Him. (Apocalypse Explained 687.17) And being clothed means that we’ve now learned truths that can really protect us. (Ibid. 240) These are truths like: these lies aren’t me; they are from hell. Once we’ve turned to the Lord – in our self-examination, in our repentance – the Lord can be with us, along with all of His goodness and truth. We can experience the freedom and peace that the Lord’s life brings. And the man wanted to go with Jesus, but Jesus said no. He said, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” (Mark 5:19) True Christian Religion 530 says that the four basic steps of repentance are to “examine ourselves, recognize and admit to our sins, pray to the Lord, and begin a new life.” The Lord helped this man see his demons for what they really were: lies, destructive behaviors; pigs that were pulling him down. This was his The Lord’s truth helps us to externalize the false ideas and lies in our heads, so that we can see them for what they really are – pigs that are trying to drag us down. 320