New Church Life July/Aug 2013 | Page 74

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 3 raising money in a capital fund to build a permanent school, dining hall and dormitories for the orphanage. Our goal is $150,000 and is part of a longer term plan to make the Rev. Abuga’s efforts sustainable and eventually selfsufficient through the establishment of an endowment for the orphanage. If you think your classmates, family, friends or colleagues would be interested in organizing a sponsorship of one or several children in Etora, please let us know. We would be happy to answer any questions you have, and are always seeking ways to improve our operations and donor relationships. To contact HCIC, please visit our website or Facebook page at the addresses below. We have received encouragement and guidance from individuals across the globe, inside and out of the Church, as this effort has taken shape. We know that many people have concerns, ranging from the environment in Kenya to the nature of New Church charities in general. We appreciate the importance of every donor understanding exactly where his or her gift will be going and for what purposes. In economic conditions that don’t necessarily make giving easy, our objective is to earn your contribution through complete transparency, responsiveness to feedback, clear communication about strategy and risk mitigation, and a clear grounding in New Church doctrine. Please consider giving to HCIC and joining us as we try putting the doctrine of charity into action, one child at a time. HCIC Committee Members Rev. David H. Lindrooth Kay R. Alden Gwynne Bevan Haladay Brittany Frazier Price Wade W. Buick 402