New Church Life July/Aug 2013 | Page 50

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 3 All of us have experienced the allure of natural delights. I don’t think it is difficult for any of us to understand how others might choose them, and fall into states of evil. We’ve all done this. in charge of our own life and direction is also delightful. The Lord did not create these mental states to be evil, but given our freedom and the Lord’s goal of providing for a genuine state of salvation (i.e., reciprocal love), He cannot prevent people from choosing to let those loves and their delights rule them. But do we really have a choice? Some have argued that freedom of choice is not a choice between good and evil. When we are in evil, we cannot see what’s true and good with our understanding, because, contrary to the appearance, our will leads our understanding. Experiencing truth in our understanding cannot produce change in us. This is a misunderstanding of the teachings of the Writings. If this were true it would prevent us from engaging in the marriage of good and truth, of will and understanding. And that process is the basis for our humanity and our ability to reciprocally respond to God. It is true that the will leads the understanding. But the fact is, we have access to two wills. The Lord guarantees this. We have a selfish will, from the influence of hell working into our chosen evil and into our hereditary inclination to love our self above others. When this will is strongly at work in us, it bends our understanding to its will. But we also have a higher will. The Lord flows into this higher will through heaven. This will is given from birth and can become our “new will” as we let the Lord regenerate us. It’s through this higher will that our understanding is elevated to see the truth. This elevating influx takes place with us as a free gift. The mental states that result are called “remnants” in the Writings.4 These remnant states are not our own but the Lord’s with us. Yet we feel them as our own – often failing to reflect on their source. All people are given remnant states in infancy and childhood, though these gifts diminish in kind and power as we recede from innocence. All remnant states, throughout life, are preserved as a basis for the Lord’s inflowing. Even adults who have immersed themselves in the choice of evil are given quiet times when they experience states of insight and love from the 4  Often translated “remains.” Reflect on: Arcana Coelestia 530.2, 560, 977.2, 1707.3, 1906.3; cf. 1555.2-3, 3701.5 378