New Church Life January/February 2017 | Page 58

new church life: jan uary/february 2017 The longest chapter of the book considers each of the signs of the zodiac in order, starting with  Aries and continuing on through Pisces  at number 12.  Each  one is discussed at some length with a description of the mental characteristics of people who are born under that sign.  Also each one is assigned one of the Biblical tribes, one of the apostles, and other associated features.   The information given is apparently drawn from both the Writings and traditional astrological literature.  Also included are many artistic depictions done by several members of the Barnitz family, including Downing  Barnitz, Nell Barnitz Nilson and Robin Barnitz.  Their family seems to be highly gifted.  The Foreword was written by the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, a well-known Swedenborgian scholar and translator. Overall it is a challenging and thought- provoking book. I suppose that most New Church people would prefer to focus their spiritual study directly on the  Writings,  but  for those who may wish to explore the possibility that astrology contains a remnant of wisdom from the Ancient Church this book would be a good starting point.  new circle in charleston The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith is pleased to announce the formation of the Charleston Circle in South Carolina. The Rt. Rev. Alfred Acton II and the Rev. Geoffrey Howard have retired in the area and are providing regular services to the people there. O U R N E W C H U RC H V O C A B U L A R Y Part of a continuing series developed by the Rev. W. Cairns Henderson, 1961-1966. INNOCENCE By this term is meant willingness to be led by a power not one’s own. Spiritual innocence, or the innocence of wisdom, consists in an interior willingness to be led by the Lord rather than by self. It is adjoined with man and is the Divine good proceeding and leading man to heaven. (See Arcana Coelestia 7902, 9938; Heaven and Hell 280) 54