New Church Life January/February 2016 | Page 80

new church life: jan uary/february 2016 the 20-foot Christmas tree in the Great Hall during the Trim the Tree event. Another 225 guests enjoyed music and refreshments while viewing a special exhibit of historic gowns during the annual Cairnwood by Candlelight event. All of these make a visit to Cairnwood and the Bryn Athyn Historic District a holiday tradition! (See photos on page 88.) well done, good and faithful servant The Rev. Frederick C. Elphick has retired as chairman of the General Church Council in Great Britain, after 19 years of valued service. In a newsletter write-up Dale Morris noted: “When Fred finished his final report, Mark Burniston (Council Treasurer) paid eloquent tribute to his long, steady, wise leadership and expressed the thanks and gratitude of the entire United Kingdom church membership. Fred and Jane were given a white orchid plant, a gift card and a check to use for whatever they choose – ‘an amazing surprise gift,’ Fred said afterwards. Small enough thanks, Fred, for your generous long service.” Fred added his own words of thanks to the board and membership, noting that he has been a member of the Council Board for 31 years, and chairman since 1996. “This might be the cue,” he wrote, “for some not very interesting reminiscences but I would just like to point out that the chairman actually relies heavily on his officers, especially the secretary and treasurer. So in addition to our devoted board members, it is Mary Warwick and Roy Evans to whom I have looked for most of my time and I must record my gratitude for the many years of hard work they have put in behind the scenes. “Also, it has been a joy to have Dale Morris so completely take over the secretarial reins from Mary and to have Roy’s equally competent daughter Ro Costello take over responsibility for the great amount of day-to-day financial work. Meanwhile, Mary’s son Mark Burniston has turned his skillful hand to taking the pulse of our investments . . . “Which leads me to record my pleasure that Geoff Wyncoll has agreed to take my place. He has been working with Mark keeping a weather eye for investment opportunities in a volatile market. I’m sure that with all his experience and unruffled, practical approach to life, he will be an excellent chairman. And his wife Kathy is secretary of the British Academy. Perfect!” 76