New Church Life January/February 2016 | Page 74

Gifts from the Lord Joseph S. David T he Lord has gifted us with everything that exists in the universe: the galaxies in far space at which we marvel , the sun that warms our earth and all the things we use that abound upon the earth. He did this by marrying His Divine love to His Divine wisdom. Without that marriage there would be nothing at all, not even empty space, just . . . nothing. To represent that Divine marriage He made His creation reflect the duality of His Love and Wisdom, especially in the animal kingdom and most especially in the human race by creating us male and female. And then He gave out two more gifts – one to female humans and a different one to male humans. Each of the sexes was given a quality that could be raised up into the atmosphere of heaven – the gift to the males into heavenly light and the gift to the females into heavenly warmth, each sex with its own gift. Her gift is an inherent love for conjunction with a male whose wisdom she can attach to, which love can be lifted up to share the love of marriage that the angels have or “into heavenly warmth.” His gift is a love of knowledge to store in an understanding which can be “raised into the light of heaven” or the wisdom that angels have. This difference in the two gifts is given expressly for the purpose of making the two able to be conjoined. Her gift is inherent such that she can scarcely avoid it, while his is much more easily mired down in what is natural and he has to work harder to raise his knowledge to the level of wisdom. This basic set-up is important enough that it is given over and over again in our primer for marriage, the book Conjugial Love. The concept is usually worded: “The male is created to be a form of wisdom and the female to be a form of love of the wisdom of the male,” with some variation. By rough count it is openly expressed 12 times in the first part of the book in six of the 17 chapters there, so it is not an insignificant idea. So the idea is that in marriage the gifts are shared. She grants to him her love so that it may be in him as well, and he shares with her his wisdom so that her loves may be effected. However, in both cases the gifts must be accepted. He must accept her love and shy away from his natural desire to wish for other 70