New Church Life January/February 2016 | Page 104

Event Announcement All are cordially invited to attend the second annual: - Book Expo 2016 Spirituality, Science, and Swedenborgian Theory Throughout History April 16, 2016, 9 am to 4 pm Bryn Athyn College, Bryn Athyn, PA Subjects: Spirituality and Science, The New Church, Swedenborg’s Scientific Works, Collateral works From last year: April 11, 2015 Bryn Athyn College hosted, in its beautiful facilities, an open-to-the-public Book Expo to celebrate and explore Science, Spirituality, and Swedenborgian Theory throughout History. Hundreds of books of a vast variety were available and speakers were engaging attendees throughout the day. The theme of the Book Expo, via books and talks, was to follow spirituality weaving through ancient history, sciences, philosophy, medicine, naturalism, abolition of slavery, child labor rights, covering new spiritual paradigms, envisioning the afterlife, Swedenborg’s works (scientific and theological) and much more. 2015 talks can be seen by searching for “NCAP Swedenborg” at Publishers and Sponsors: Bryn Athyn College Press, Swedenborg Foundation, Swedenborg Scientific Association, Cole Foundation, General Church Publications, New Christian Bible Study, and more. Books can be purchased directly at the Book Expo, the Cathedral Bookstore, and 100