New Church Life Jan/Feb 2015 | Page 24

new church life: jan uary/february 2015 toward evil that He inherited from Mary began in His infancy, in the story of the call of Abram. It is through the development of Abram’s story that we see the Lord led from one state to another until His tendencies were completely expelled and the Divine could be fully present in His human form. So it is with us. The recognition of the Lord’s birth into our lives brings to mind our own shortcomings and the necessity of change. Change is difficult. We have to fight against deeply ingrained habits of thought, feelings and action. We have to learn to curb our natural responses to things in order to do what is right rather than what we think we would like to do. Basically we have to break down the barriers between the Lord and ourselves, and let Him into our lives, giving us love instead of hatred, and peace instead of conflict. Change is difficult, and this is perhaps why so many people make grand resolutions at New Year’s, and then give up on them soon afterward. So the Lord helps us in that state by giving us hope – the promise for the future. After Jehovah had spoken to Abram and told him to leave his father’s house, He made him a promise: should Abram obey, then Jehovah would show him the way. He would lead Abram to a land that He, Jehovah, would show him, and there, Jehovah says: When the Lord is born in us, and as we commit ourselves to live according to His Word, so He fortifies us as well, and gives us the ability to resist in our temptations toward evil. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. (Genesis 12: 2,3) It is this hope that sustained Abram along the journey of his life. He obeyed and Jehovah fulfilled every detail of His promise. So it was with the Lord, who, having that first insight that He needed to leave worldly and physical things behind, had the fortitude to fight the temptations that assaulted Him along the course of His life. And in time, after the passion of the cross, He rose again as the Savior of the world. So it is with us. When the Lord is born in us, and as we commit ourselves to live according to His Word, so He fortifies us as well, and gives us the ability to resist in our temptations toward evil. Gradually, over our entire lifetime, the Lord makes it possible for us to chip away at our evil inclinations, until they are broken down and the Lord flows into us with His blessing and peace. 20