New Church Life Jan/Feb 2015 | Page 21

   implications of Christmas change our lives and make us different. We can only really change our lives if we look backward to see where we have come from. Understanding the events surrounding the Lord’s birth helps us to see the things we need to do to progress. Yet in the New Testament there is so little about the Lord’s infancy. Beautiful stories as they are, they don’t give us a tremendous insight into what we need to do to make spiritual progress. In the Heavenly Doctrines of the New Church we are asked to look even further back in the Word than the Christmas story. We are invited back to another new beginning, to a time before the Children of Israel and the Hebrew nation even existed. We look to the time of Abram, even before he travelled south into the land of Canaan. In a sense, this story is to the Old Testament what Christmas is to the New. This foundational story not only tells us about the call of Abram, but in its inner meaning it speaks of the very earliest states of the Lord’s infancy. By studying it carefully, we can also see what the beginning states of our spiritual rebirth are going to be. The story begins with Abram, living in Haran, north of the land of Canaan. Abram was an ordinary person. He lived with his wife and his nephew, Lot. We know nothing about Abram in Haran, except that he must have prospered. Then, one day, apparently without warning, Jehovah spoke to him, saying: We are invited back to another new beginning, to a time before the Children of Israel and the Hebrew nation even existed. We look to the time of Abram, even before he travelled south into the land of Canaan. In a sense, this story is to the Old Testament what Christmas is to the New. Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. (Genesis 12:1) The teachings of the New Church tell us that while this event actually happened in history, it also foreshadowed the way the Lord, as a very small infant, became aware of an inner voice that would direct Him through life the way Jehovah directed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through their lives. This inner voice was the voice of Jehovah, the Lord’s Divine Soul from which He was conceived. At conception, every person’s soul, which comes through the person’s 17