New Church Life Jan/Feb 2015 | Page 17

    A Sense of Balance To The Editors: When I received the November-December 2014 issue of New Church Life for some reason I was a bit turned off by the “poster children” on the cover. It all seemed a little too preppy for me. I’ve been born and raised in the Church and always resisted a sense of exclusiveness and/or superior behavior. I know this was not your intention, but it was what I read into it with my background. It is interesting that the two genders were shown – male and female: good and truth, love and faith. Our challenge today is to keep these two qualities in balance. The intellectual or faith should not be superior to love. The offering of Cain was not acceptable; it had to be combined with love – things from the heart. It’s really pretty simple but important – love of the Lord and love of the neighbor. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Reading the two letters about women in the ministry gave me pause – especially when it was said that if you want to grow and attract young people you should be cautious about exclusiveness. The last thing I noted was the resignation of Anna Woofenden. Is it possible that this resignation of a gifted teacher with an impeccable lineage could be the “canary in the coal mine”? I hope not. Kenneth Blair Sarver, Pennsylvania The Gift of Our Freedom To The Editors: We talk about the Writings being a rational religion, which it is. But there are many things that are hard to understand. I thin