New Church Life Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 72

new church life: jan uary / february 201 4 to distribute in the Ohio Territory. So convinced was Hester Barclay of the efficacy of the Writings, and their potential broad-based appeal at that time, she assumed that our dating system would be based on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as it was for the First Advent. Therefore, her tombstone, in Bedford, Pennsylvania, reads: “Here lies the body of Hester Barclay, Who changed her mode of existence, Early in the morning on the first day of the week, February 28, 1796-40” – marking the Second Coming from 1756. Hester’s fellow traveler, Judge John Young, was instrumental in founding a New Church congregation on the North Side of Pittsburgh in Allegheny City. Because that New Church congregation existed, several Swedenborgian families from Scotland immigrated to Pittsburgh. These families included the Carnegie family and the Morrison sisters: Annie Aitken, Katherine Hogan and Margaret Carnegie. Katherine Hogan shared True Christian Religion with Alexander Pitcairn, who shared it with his brothers Robert and John Sr. John, his wife and seven children, were all baptized by the Rev. David Powell soon after their discovery of the New Church in Allegheny City. If there were no Hester Barclay to share the teachings of the New Church so eagerly, there may never have been a General Church, a Bryn Athyn Cathedral, and an Academy – or the publication of New Church Life. When I go to Church, I am not seeking a scholarly dissertation on some very fine doctrinal point which will challenge my intellect. Like the two travelers on the road to Emmaus who encountered the Lord after He had risen, when the Scriptures are opened to me, I want my heart to burn. To those who cannot fathom hearing a woman speak to them about the Scriptures, I ask, have you heard any of the women in question speak recently? If not, I highly recommend it. It may change your opinion. It sure changed mine. Al Lindsay is a lawyer in Sarver, Pennsylvania, where he lives with his wife, Trish (Waddell). He is a member of the Sower’s Chapel, the New Church congregation in adjacent Freeport, and has been a member of the General Church Board of Directors. 68