Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 72

12 Strategic main goal: Eliminate financial capitalism class alone benefits from it. In our Western civilisation it is quite de- liberate to disarm the working men and women ideologically in this way. We have to blame to a great part apologetic sciences headed by economics though there exist strong doubts whether this discipline is a genuine science and not a mere ancillary science of capitalism. The Planet Earth will only have a future by overcoming financial capi- talism. Nothing will break without fictitious capital and fiat money. On the contrary! Today, as already mentioned, the range of profi- ciencies, skills, and productivity of the workforces worldwide are nearly unlimited. In need of an ever more sophisticated workforce the capitalist system had to promote the employees of companies and whole upcoming generations permanently. This fine aspect of capitalist dynamics and competition has made the peoples fit to gen- erate and advocate reasonable scientific alternatives for all burning problems. The peoples have to and will overcome financial capital- ism, possibly before the final countdown, when inevitable und com- prehensive crashes will tear apart the economies and the wold will come to its political, military and cultural collapse. Meanwhile, the ruling elites command a potential for complete self-destruction. At the present time we are witnessing globally financial capitalism to block and counteract all serious attempts of worldwide humanitarian movements and international organisations to solve any of the press- ing global problems. Peoples will only advance by adjusting their en- deavours with an anti-finance capitalist alignment. The world is full of currently organized resistance everywhere at many fronts against many a mischief and iniquitousness. On the surface they seem to be independent from each other. Resistance is fragmented and focused on their special issue. But deeper insights into the nature of these conflicts usually bring to light basic social and economic impacts of class struggle. Special movements can win battles for their causes. To really solve the problems people have to win the war. Therefore they need a unifying strategy and common perspective. That is why the prominent task of a pan-European grassroots democratic resistance movement is to set the pattern for all the varied activities. The main, i.e. the strategic patterns are: firstly, to connect the European cause to a combined global liberation perspective of mutual solidarity and organisational cohesion. Secondly, to focus worldwide and as coordi- nated and synchronized as possible at the main obstacle of global survival: Financial capitalism! 66