Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 56

10 We need a strategy on realistic grounds 10 We need a strategy on realistic grounds Criticising in such a detailed way involves new answers to be trust- worthy. Let me try. In a discussion with “Die Linke” in Germany you uttered a rather poor view on the future: “. . . to do that which we need to do – to build an alliance of democrats throughout the European Union. Not to make the European Union the ideal society. We cannot do that. You know what my ambition will be? To stabilize European capitalism …” 45 What do you mean by “no ideal society”? The Nirvana, the Promised Land, Paradise, communism it its final stage? Are we bigots or zealots you have to enlighten with such a profound gnosis? Yanis, by this lit- tle rhetorical trick you veil the fact that you have no vison at all. All you dream of and strive for is a stabilized capitalism that would not collapse. Good for you! But don’t be hasty, please. Let us first evalu- ate the state of world economic affairs and the apparently unstoppa- ble march into economic and humanitarian disasters as well as eco- logical and climatic catastrophes in the current century. 10.1 On the impending doom of capitalism Concerning these matters, scientific evidence and insistent warning have long been confirmed by political or nature disasters around the globe. We are forced to realize that we are witnessing an era of ag- gregating and deepening global crises. What measures are taken to thwart the running crises and looming new ones? It is a tragedy that in capitalism investments in whatever issue are only made if they of- fer a profitable business no matter how urgent, essential for survival, or ecologically useful they might be for mankind. Either there are prospects of profit for the investors or nothing will happen at all. Or the other way round: No moral scruples or humanitarian objections will stop the money makers to invest into senseless, dangerous, and destructive undertakings if they sniff a chance to maximize their capi- tal. 45 Yanis Varoufakis ( visits Germany: We have to transform the European Union, (youtube, 19.02.2016, 1:04:18 – 1:04:32). See also p.40. 50