Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 55

9 Summing up: from DIEM to SEUCAM? tem in crisis. Moreover DIEM25 is said to make use of your insights into the European administration as a Greek Finance Minister and the Greek experiences of the party and movement Syriza. Though I really wish to I cannot see what decisive conclusions you have drove from your own and the Greek people’s defeat and downfall for future con- flicts. To put two and two together: DIEM25 is up to now no Democracy in Europe Movement which will transform Europe within nine years (till 2025) into a fully-fledged democratic continent featuring a capitalis- tically sound Union of sovereign nation states. Realistically and po- lemically intensified DIEM25 should be renamed SEUCAM “Save EU Capitalism Movement” 49