Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 26

4 Capitalism vs. democracy 4 Capitalism vs. democracy 4.1 Noam Chomsky: You can’t have capitalist democracy We have to deal with another serious aspect concerning democracy. In a lecture Noam Chomsky put it straight forward in 2014: “I started by saying that one of the relations between capitalism and democ- racy is contradiction. You can’t have capitalist democracy!” 7 Do you agree, Yanis? I’m afraid you can’t. Mr. Chomsky lectured about ne- oliberalism and the classical liberalism of Adam Smith as well as the difference between democracy and a freedom, which neoliberal apologists like M. Friedman think of. I would like to make a different approach hoping it will be valuable for all head-ruled theorists and well-payed academics. Imagine you are a common worker (bluer- or white-collar doesn’t matter) on your way to work. Exactly the moment you enter the company - either you pass the factory gate or the entrance of the of- fice building - a metamorphosis takes place every morning: A citizen gets transformed into an employee. Before entering you are a normal consumer of mass commodities by spending your salary on essen- tials. You decide about your and your family’s necessities of life, may be even about a new car or holiday plans. Inside the company fences you turn into nothing. For the daily working hours you have to subju- gate yourself to the will of the company proprietor or a band of shareholders, their executing board, and minor managing officers hierarchically above you. You are no longer a fellow human but a mere investment into “human resources”, an investment into your skills and proficiencies they have bought off you by agreement of la- bour. By this contract you are under their absolute control, subject to capitalist dictatorship, which is called euphemistically ‘executive pre- rogative’. None of the products you and your colleagues work at be- long to you. You are a thief and criminal if you take a tiny bit of the result of your labour. You have experienced capitalist alienation all day long. Back home you are informed on TV that Central Banks are making serious deci- 7 2014:”Noam Chomsky”: Why you cannot have a Capitalist Democracy! (youtube, 5.10.2014, 0:08-0:12). 20