Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Essay on Left Strategy Left Strategy - 04/2017 | Page 5

on the other side. The hopeless future fate of the peoples is not God-given but artifi- cial by the capitalist structure of power and thus man-made and alterable. To cut the Gordian Knot means to expro- priate the worldwide withhold, vagabond- ing, enormous funds and use them for the sake of the world population and for safe- guarding the maltreated Planet Earth. This is the decisive alternative to the impend- ing abyss. All politics, movements and ac- tivities – above all left ones - have to ser- vice this vision strategically. On Main Strategic Goals in the G7 to G20 Countries For the centres of world capitalism I see two main strategic goals. 1. In the course of the running century a worldwide struggle for survival will esca- late. We have to tackle the senseless su- perstructure of financial capitalism. Our contribution in the Western countries, our guideline has to be: Abandon fictitious capital and fiat money! IMPRESSUM NEUE DEBATTE ist ein Non Profit- Projekt von Gunther Sosna (V.i.S.d.P.) Sperberweg 11 25337 Elmshorn Deutschland/Germany Tel.: +49 (0)176 25 10 63 72 E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: 5 2. We owe the peoples of the world a sec- ond central help. We have to rule out and abolish the production and distribution of weaponry to every corner of the world by “our” ruling classes. The true, global insti- gators and warmongers are to be found here in the G7 states. Bring down the military-industrial complex! Closing Remark I have tested DIEM25 in the light of these contemporary challenges. Unfortunately DIEM has failed the test right along the line. This preview can merely give a rough overview on the topics. The full Report of the “Political Essay on DIEM25 and left strategy”” will provide you with a con- sistent line of argumentation. You can purchase it at a small prize, as a printed book in German. The English reader can download the Eng- lish version of the book for free. RECHTSHINWEIS Dieses Werk ist lizensiert unter einer Creative Commons [Namensnennung – nicht kom- merziell –Keine Bearbeitung] 4.0 International Lizenz (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)