Networks Europe Jul-Aug 2018 | Page 42

42 OPINION Power is within reach Kevin Deierling, vice president marketing, Mellanox Technologies How to achieve a hyperscale data centre without a hyperscale budget Don’t be daunted by the overwhelming technological resources of today’s market leaders. Times are changing and that exclusive hyperscale architecture is now within reach of any large enterprise. An Economist headline this year asked, 'how to tame the tech titans?' A more recent article – ‘American tech giants are making life tough for startups’ – outlines the problems of start-ups in the tech giants’ ‘kill zone’ where investors will shy away from any company that might appear to be entering the big boys’ territory. You don’t have to be either a start-up or a direct competitor to the likes of the Super 7 – Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent – to feel daunted by their sheer market presence and technological dominance. Then there are the second tier ‘unicorns’ like LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram who share their secret of building massive network infrastructures to achieve unprecedented power to mine data and automate business processes for super-efficiency. How can the average enterprise survive in a commercial environment that's dominated by such giants? There are two key points to their market dominance; the first is to have exceptional