Network Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 39

! T R E L A THIS IS AUSTRALIA'S FIRST MONEY-MAKING MAGAZINE FOR HEALTH CLUBS! ASK AB OUT THE EX CLUSIV NETWO E RK ME M B ER DISCO UNTS O N CUSTO MISAT ION! If you want to boost sales, reactivate expired members or supercharge your secondary spend then OH! Magazine is for you! OH! Magazine is authored by Australia's leading healthy lifestyle experts and is specifically designed for Australian and New Zealand health clubs to help you make more money! When you customise OH! Magazine you can deliver multiple marketing, sales, reactivation and secondary spend campaigns (for example), and you can do so as often as every single month! To find out more about how OH! Magazine can increase your bottom line, contact Analee by emailing [email protected] Available on your iPhone, or any other mobile device or computer that reads PDFs!