Network Magazine Summer 2016 | Page 44

Rather than just focusing on strength and building up the load capacity of a muscle-tendon unit, the new technique also addresses the deficits of motor control. symptoms enough for them to be able to maximise their involvement in the session. This means that tendon pain no longer needs to restrict athletes and clients from participating in their chosen sport or activity! It also adds to the client’s experience by enabling them to exercise the area and potentially introduce more movement variability options to the affected muscletendon complex. This is a great benefit, because a lack of movement variability seems to be an important factor in the development of chronic pain. The more painfree movement options that the body is able to access, the less likely it is to travel down the one painful path, thereby reducing the risk of recurrence. For the client, it also engenders the simple yet powerful appreciation that they can continue to exercise. For the trainer, it is exciting to note that research on the quadriceps muscle found that there was also a 19 per cent increase in muscle strength over a four-week period. So, how effective is TNT? As ACDC sang, it’s dynamite. Using TNT with your clients When applying the TNT approach with clients suffering tendinopathy pain, a high load is required so that sufficient activity is generated in the muscle tendon complex. Light resistance is not effective. However, the effort exerted should not be so high that it induces pain. Keep in mind that the exercise is supposed to create an analgesic effect, so experiencing pain while it’s done is not appropriate. • Direct the client to perform the appropriate isometric exercise. • Ask them to tune in to a metronome during the exercise, counting with the beat if they wish. Alternatively, you can provide an external verbal pacing. • Advise the client to aim to hold the contraction with maximal pain-free effort for 30 to 60 seconds. If the client cannot do so without experiencing pain, then this is not the appropriate exercise for them at this stage. • Allow for a 1-minute recovery between each isometric contraction. Repeat isometric contractions, interspersed with rest breaks, for as long as there is no pain or discomfort. • If the client becomes aware of, or distracted by, discomfort that could be 44 | NETWORK SUMMER 2016 leading to pain, they should stop the exercise. Practitioners should avoid sensitising the nervous system with repeated aggravating tasks. Other TNT tips • Remember that the intent of training is to regain neural control, so it’s not appropriate for the limb to shake with effort! • This is not a training program for balance, so clients may hold onto furniture for assistance if needed. • If the exercise causes pain before 30 seconds is up, then the training load is too high; make the exercise easier by decreasing resistance. If the contraction can be held easily for more than 60 seconds, the training load is too low. • TNT can be utilised throughout the whole body. Be sure to consult a physiotherapist or health professional for additional assistance. • Extend the knee against the resistance of the band in standing, and hold the contraction isometrically. A slow build-up and hold of heavy resistance engages muscle activity and minimises the risk of tendon pain exacerbation. • Count with a metronome (backwards for a mental challenge) for 30 to 60 seconds. An externally paced hold of the contraction, particularly with mental distraction (counting), creates an alternative program for cortical control of muscles involved in the contraction. Once the contraction is made, there is no need for the client to think about the muscle or tendon in particular, but rather, to just hold the position under heavy load. This type of training begins the process of muscle activation that is automatic rather than a conscious contraction. • There should be effort with the contraction but no pain. At the end of the contraction, the client should notice that the affected muscle tendon complex feels less irritable, more strong, more stable or easier to control. With symptoms more under control, the client will be better able to participate in, and enjoy, training. TNT for patella tendon pain In the case of training clients with patella tendon pain, the following approach is appropriate: • Tie a heavy therapy band or tubing to a stable upright. • Place the band around the knee and step back away from the upright until sufficient tension is generated on the band. The 30-second article • Tendon pain can be slow to treat and easily aggravated, and recurrence rates can be high, preventing clients from maintaining their fitness regime • A new tendon management approach called TNT (tendon neuroplastic training) stimulates the client's brain at the same time that they perform isometric strength training exercises • This approach can induce immediate, and natural, pain relief that can last up to 45 minutes • By enabling greater movement variability, the body is less likely to experience injury recurrence. Extend the knee against the resistance of the band in standing, hold the contraction isometrically TNT offers a new dimension to training clients with tendon pain and builds on the foundation of previous research. It can be used as a tool to enhance compliance with training or as part of a self-directed and active self-management program. Stay tuned: with continuing research into the mechanisms responsible for tendon rehabilitation, more advances in this area could be on the horizon. Thuy Bridges, BAppSc (Physio) is the Director of PhysioWISE physiotherapy and Pilates clinics in Sydney, author of Length, Strength and Kinesio Tape and an educator of dynamic presentations to health, movement and fitness professionals worldwide. 28-30 APRIL 2017 / ICC SYDNEY Thuy is presenting at FILEX 2017 – find her sessions at or in the brochure accompanying this magazine