Network Magazine summer 2015 | Page 38

However, if the bony structures of the pelvis, hips and base of the spine that these muscles attach to are out of alignment, then these muscles cannot perform effectively. This has consequences for both the bony structures and muscles of the upper torso The 30-second article • One in four people suffer from neck and shoulder pain, which affects their ability to perform everyday activities, as well as exercise • If the lumbar spine, pelvis and hips are out of alignment, then the neck, head and shoulders compensate and shift out of their correct positions • A simple dowel rod assessment with clients can help you identify misalignment issues with their lumbo-pelvic-hip girdle (LPHG) • Performed regularly, self-myofascial release, stretching and strengthening corrective exercises can realign the LPHG so that the shoulders, neck and head naturally fall back into better alignment. as well as the vestibular system (which helps keep the head aligned over the centre of the pelvis when a person is standing, walking or engaged in other activities) (Schamberger, 2002). Hence, if the lumbar spine, pelvis and hips are out of alignment due to a structural imbalance, muscular weakness and/or neuromuscular dysfunction, then the neck, head and shoulders must compensate and shift out of their correct positions (see diagram). Habitual movement patterns of the neck and shoulders that develop to compensate for a misaligned LPHG can result in long term recurring neck and shoulder pain. This pain is often greatly exacerbated when a person engages in full-body movements. Are the hips to blame for neck and shoulder pain? You might think this type of musculoskeletal imbalance is uncommon, but the regular practice of performing the assessment below highlights the fact that many clients have misalignment issues with their LPHG. Performing this assessment with clients prior to exe rcise will help you determine whether an imbalance of the LPHG is contributing to the recurrence of neck and shoulder pain. Compensations caused by lumbar spine, pelvis and hips being out of alignment Dowel rod on hips assessment Stand behind your client as both of you face forward looking into a mirror, so you can consider the results of the assessment together. On both hands curl your third, fourth and fifth fingers toward your palms as you point your index fingers out straight EDUCATION ALMOST 80% OF AUSTRALIAN ADULTS SUFFER FROM LIFE-LONG LOWER BACK PAIN. THAT’S A LOT OF IBUPROFEN! And with the number of adults suffering from chronic pain projected to almost double by 2050, it’s never been more important for personal trainers to understand how to help clients move correctly and without pain. Australian Fitness Network has partnered with one of the world’s foremost experts in musculoskeletal assessment and corrective exercise, Justin Price, to bring you The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Trainer Certification. Learn how to: • Safely conduct postural assessments • Design corrective exercise programs that will alleviate pain caused by common musculoskeletal imbalances • Develop effective client communication strategies that can be applied to clients experiencing pain. 1300 493 832 | FITNESSNETWORK.COM.AU/BIOMECHANICS 38 | NETWORK SUMMER 2015