Network Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 65

Although cardiac output may be less, training intensity and physiological overload is not compromised. What’s happening in the brain? So, what happens neurologically during practice of MASME programs? Research has shown that mindful practice can re-wire the brain, which is comforting to know in an age when technology and our fast-paced lifestyles are taking up ‘mind space’. Mindful practices have numerous benefits, such as improving productivity, emotional intelligence and mental health. It may also help reduce insomnia, enhance immunity, correct eating disorders, reduce chronic pain and reverse ageing. The list is expanding, with new studies surfacing regularly. When brain scans measure the grey matter after long term regular mindful practice, they indicate that the areas associated with concentration, memory and senses improve, slowing down the ageing of the brain. Mindfulness grows the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning. We have discussed how, during MASME programs, blood flow is shunted upwards from the lower limbs to the central thoracic area as circulation increases throughout the whole system. This, of course, includes a greater flow of oxygen to the brain. Interestingly enough though, when clients participate for the first time in MASME programs, they initially experience difficulty with coordination, concentration and balance. This is because the brain rewires as it senses the limbs experiencing a mass of resistance – an acclimatisation process known as neuroplasticity. To quote from Hebbie’s hypothesis, ‘The neurons that fire together, wire together’. Becoming more coordinated is essentially a matter of rewiring the neural circuits that control movement, and when the mind has spent most of the day ‘patrolling agendas’ at a faster speed to keep up with the internet age, slowing down requires some shifting of gears. According to neuroscientist Michael Merzenich, the brain is constantly rewiring itself, however shifting from a constant gravity environment to a supportive weightless buoyant environment challenges not only coordination, but also stabilisation. If anything it can be likened to leaving the planet earth and venturing into an outer space environment. The body naturally acclimatises to recruit core stabilising muscles in the new dynamic environment simply to maintain an upright vertical position. One of the most profound benefits achieved through participating in MASME programs is improved breathing and posture. Respiratory function, oxygen consumption and core stabilisation is considerably challenged when moving vertically through the water. Studies by Len Kravitz have shown that there are significant improvements in VO2 max that can be compared to the effects gained from participating in chronic (regular and constantly re-occurring) exercise on land. MASME programs globally are catering for a broad spectrum of clients, with astounding results still being explored and studied. There’s no denying though, that mindfulness in water leads to a greater fluid focus. The 30-second article • Mindful aquatic slow movement exercise (MASME) programs are increasing in popularity • The combination of warm water and hydrostatic pressure lowers the heart rate without reducing training intensity or physiological overload • Performing elements of mindful movement practices in warm water has a number of physiological and psycho-emotional benefits, including relaxation, increased range of movement, pain relief, and improved breathing, posture and stability. Tanja Luck has over 20 years’ experience as an active educator, with specific expertise in aquatic exercise therapy and wellbeing programs. She regularly delivers workshops to health professionals, remote communities and staff in spa resorts. Tanja is the founder of and the Health and Wel lbeing Coordinator for vulnerable women’s health care in WA. NETWORK SPRING 2016 | 65