Network Communications News (NCN) June 2017 | Page 26

BUSINESS AGILITY Redefining the network to achieve greater business agility In today’s digital marketplace, enterprises worldwide are waking up to the need for business agility—the ability to quickly evolve with changing customer preferences, says Steve Foster, solutions engineering manager at Riverbed Technology. E nterpris es have rea lis ed that s p e e d a n d fl exibility a re ke y to reducin g tim e to ma rket a nd e nh a nc ing competitivenes s , a nd t h at new tec hnolo gies pla y a maj o r ro l e i n achi evin g the a g ility t h e y nee d to s ta y a hea d. Th at is w hy an in crea s in g n um b e r of organi s atio ns a re purs u ing a di gi tal b us ines s s trate gy , s h if t ing away fro m l e ga cy IT s er v ic e s , and adopting cl o ud ba se d ser vi c es ins tea d. However, while companies have moved data centres , a p p l ic at io ns and stora ge to the clo u d , most have yet to update t h e ir net wor ks , which haven’ t c h a nge d mu ch i n the l a s t 20 yea r s , a nd are t herefo re ha ndica p p e d in the i r ab il ity to s uppo r t b u s ine s s agi li t y imperatives . For true a g ility, comp a nie s mu st ta ke a new a ppro a c h to connectivity in the ente r p r is e . It i s t i m e for cha nge a n d t h e tec hnolo gy they n eed is o u t the re – SD-WAN is the ke y to meeting bus in es s nee d s ef fi ci e ntly a n d ef fective l y . The challenges of outdated networks In today’s increasingly digital world, organisations can only implement digital technologies successfully if their network is flexible and agile. But many are 26 | June 2017 struggling to stay in control of inflexible, complex networks. Firstly, because many companies are storing information in the cloud as well as on local systems – generating what are known as hybrid environments – putting an incredible strain on their current network, which traditional networking technologies are not designed to handle. Second, because employees within most organisations are now using a range of devices to access more and more cloud based applications and services. More than ever, users expect consistent levels of network availability and application per formance even when they are spread across the globe in remote locations and branch offices. Inevitably, the network starts to feel the strain, which in turn can impact not only application per formance levels, but also bandwidth availability for business critical applications. In fact, our Global Application Performance Survey revealed that 89 per cent of executives said that poor application performance negatively impacts their work on a regular basis. Last, but not least, traditional networks have to be deployed in the field, requiring engineers to manually enter hundreds of commands to configure the network or make changes, a time and labour intensive effort that can take months to carry out, and which is prone to error, severely increasing the risk of network downtime. This issue has become particularly apparent with the proliferation of remote and branch offices, which are radically changing network traffic patterns. Responding by merely trying to upgrade and add traditional routers to the network can create a number of issues for organisations. Even small configuration challenges can be hard to navigate without impacting an already fragile and inflexible network. C o n si d e r i n g a l mo st 8 0 p er c e nt of e nte r p r i se e mp loyees a n d co nt ra cto r s n ow work from b ra n c h of f i c e s a n d a cces s c r i t i c a l b u si n e ss se r v ices v i a the WA N, b a n d w i d t h re q u irements a re b e i n g p u sh e d we l l b eyon d i n i t i a l d e si g n p a ra meters . The key to optimisation These problems require more than a patchwork approach to upgrading legacy network architectures. Simply reacting to network hotspots and user complaints is a recipe for failure; the only winning strategy is to get out in front of the challenges. Providing effective long- term solutions requires a rethink of networking itself. Today’s organisations need a resolution that fundamentally redefines the way networking is done to better align with new, cloud-centric